2017 - Family Tour - Day 2

- Difficulty: 2
Best record: - Ridden by number of persons: 0
Ridden times: 0 - Estimated time:
My goal:
Two options at day, 1. Yangmingshan National Park - small oil pit. 2. Beitao - hot spring valley and Beitou Hot Spring Museum, Beitao part, and probably explore public hot spring. Plus Shilin Night Market at night. 白天有兩種選擇,一是去陽明山,逛逛小油坑,吃吃茶葉蛋之類的。二是去北投逛地熱谷,可逛溫泉博物館,北投公園、或考慮去公共澡堂一探。 Special geographic scenary tour in Taipei at day. Delicacy and children play at night. Hotstar big big chicken pie,Red bean green tea ice etc.Special suggestion: pig brain soup. Maybe a visit to Aunt Ivy's place. 白天去逛特色景觀,晚上逛夜市,玩玩夜市遊戲、品嘗豪大大雞排、珍珠奶茶等。綠茶紅豆冰等,推薦豬腦湯。可考慮去三姑家拜訪。
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