2017 - Family Tour - Full Routes

- Difficulty: 2
Best record: - Ridden by number of persons: 0
Ridden times: 0 - Estimated time:
My goal:
"Arrive, Check-in, Leisure in Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. And Yongkang Street tourist walk. 抵達,下榻旅館,稍事休息後,可至中正紀念堂小走。晚上逛逛永康街。" "Two options at day, 1. Yangmingshan National Park - small oil pit. 2. Beitao - hot spring valley and Beitou Hot Spring Museum, Beitao part, and probably explore public hot spring. Plus Shilin Night Market at night. 白天有兩種選擇,一是去陽明山,逛逛小油坑,吃吃茶葉蛋之類的。二是去北投逛地熱谷,可逛溫泉博物館,北投公園、或考慮去公共澡堂一探。" "Two options, 1. Pingxi Railway One Day Trip for waterfall and sky lantern. 2. Taipei zoo for panda and Maokong for gondola and tea cuizines. 兩種選擇,一種是平溪線一日遊,二是去台北動物園加貓空喝茶。" "Biking through Tamsui and Bali river view and enjoy boat and old street delicacys. 淡水八里單車自由行,老街美食品嘗。" "Checkout from hotel. Head to Hua-lien for a 3 day trip. 從旅館遷出,將行李放回家,開始花蓮三日遊。" Hua-lien day 2. Hua-lien day 3. Heading home. "Two options: 1. Tour in Yehliu Geopark and Keelung harbor ancient cannons. Plus Keelung night market. 2. Jiufen mountain town tour, Jinguashi gold museum. 兩種選擇,一是去野柳地質公園,以及基隆港,百米甕砲台。基隆廟口夜市。 二是去九份加金瓜石。" "Yilan for Jiaosi Hot Spring, National Center for Traditional Arts and Kavalan Distillery 宜蘭礁溪泡湯,逛逛傳統藝術中心、以及金車葛瑪蘭酒廠。" "Taipei 101 for shopping around and souvenirs. Vieshow cinemas and department stores. Elephant mountain for great view. In the morning, we may go to Dadaocheng for Chinese New Year stuff, the harbor and a glance of Taipei City History. 去台北一零一看台,逛逛紀念品店,華納商圈,象山或饒河街夜市等。上午有空可也去大稻埕巡禮台北市歷史與文化,逛逛年貨大街。" "Packing up. Have some Chinese style breakfast and ready to go. 打包小聚,奔赴機場"
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