
- Difficulty: 1
Best record: 00:01:24 - Ridden by number of persons: 0
Ridden times: 0 - Estimated time:
My goal:
- SmartSign
- Route information
- Navigation

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8406Number of views
8211Number of views
3332Number of views
7992Number of views
Rank | Name | Gender | Age | Total elapsed time![]() |
Average speed![]() |
Completion rate![]() |
Activity created date![]() |
NA |
m | 46 | 00:01:24 | 0 km/h | 0 | 2016/05/09 | |
NA |
m | 25 | 00:06:54 | 0.299 km/h | 0 | 2016/05/12 | |
NA |
m | 25 | 00:41:00 | 0.083 km/h | 0 | 2016/06/16 | |
NA |
f | 00:02:11 | 3.827 km/h | 0 | 2016/08/31 | ||
NA |
f | 16 | 00:04:55 | 1.915 km/h | 0 | 2016/08/31 | |
NA |
f | 76 | 00:05:57 | 5.267 km/h | 0 | 2016/08/31 | |
NA |
f | 00:05:27 | 3.859 km/h | 0 | 2016/08/31 | ||
NA |
m | 51 | 00:11:48 | 3.65 km/h | 0 | 2016/10/28 | |
NA |
m | 46 | 00:02:02 | 0 km/h | 0 | 2016/11/08 |
After a thorough consideration, we must regretfully inform you that service for all X5 product members on video upload to Xplova website (www.xplova.com) will no longer be in service. This change will be effective on January 1st, 2020. Meanwhile, we will remove all X5 members’ video uploads from the cloud storage. If you wish to preserve your video, please spare your time to log-in to Xplova website and migrate stored data to your personal storage (visit video listing, enter preview video mode and then right click mouse button to download) before December 31st, 2019. We sincerely apologies for the inconvenience we have caused you.
This is to inform you that we will remove any inactive or dormant members on Xplova website (www.xplova.com) for more than three years soon. This change will be effective on January 1st, 2020, all data storage under your account will be eliminated (including but not limited to video, etc.) If you wish to preserve data under your member account, we sincerely invite you to take action immediately by visiting Xplova website and logging-into your account before December 31st, 2019.