2017 - Family Tour - Day 10

- Difficulty: 1
Best record: - Ridden by number of persons: 0
Ridden times: 0 - Estimated time:
My goal:
Taipei 101 for shopping around and souvenirs. Vieshow cinemas and department stores. Elephant mountain for great view. In the morning, we may go to Dadaocheng for Chinese New Year stuff, the harbor and a glance of Taipei City History. 去台北一零一看台,逛逛紀念品店,華納商圈,象山或饒河街夜市等。上午有空可也去大稻埕巡禮台北市歷史與文化,逛逛年貨大街。 Raohe Street Night Market, elephant mountain view, dadaocheng are optional. It's not about having it all but having it nice and easy. We may ceise the day to have dinner all together. If stinky tofu haven't been covered in previous journey, you may not want to miss it today. 饒河街夜市或象山觀景是選擇性的,這一天可能會留點時間大家聚個餐。
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